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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Boehner Invites Business Leaders To Obama’s Speech Tonight

Tonight Speaker John Boehner invited a respected group of American private sector business leaders to President Barack Obama’s jobs speech. Each one of these business leaders has been jacked around by the Obama Administration.

You may remember Rock Katschnig.

Rock Katschnig confronted Barack Obama at Wyffels Hybreds in Atkinson, Illinois last month. Rock was upset with the increase in the amount of burdensome rules and regulations under the Obama regime. He told Obama, “Please don’t challenge us with your rules and regulations from Washington DC. We would prefer to start our day in a tractor cab or combine cab rather than filling out forms and permits to do what we like to do.”

Rock will be at the speech tonight along with Henry Juszkiewicz from Gibson Guitar and Lisa Ingram from White Castle among others.

From the Speaker’s Website:

Following is a brief look at each of the Speaker’s guests:

Spencer Weitman is the President of National Cement, which recently suspended construction of a new $350 million cement kiln in Ragland, AL due to regulatory obstacles. (Continues here)

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