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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Al Sharpton still doesn't get it! PART 2, SEE INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT HERE!

FOX NEWS - Tuesday, June 16, 2009

HANNITY: Look, this is a serious issue. Slutty flight attendant look about Governor Palin. You know you got into the Don Imus controversy over the nappy headed ho comment. OK? Said she had a slutty flight attendant look. And he talks about A-Rod knocking up his teenage daughter, the daughter he brought to — she brought to the game. The governor brought to the game was 14 years old.
SHARPTON: Well, first of all, I don't think anyone defends what Letterman said, including Letterman. Letterman has said it was wrong. It was a very despicable way of talking about anybody. But for you to compare that to Imus. What Imus said didn't insult an individual, he insulted a race and he insulted a gender.
And you can't...
HANNITY: Letterman is not insulting a gender when he says a slutty flight attendant look?
SHARPTON: Well, I mean you.
HANNITY: That's not insulting to women?
SHARPTON: I think that that could be offensive to the person he directed it to.
HANNITY: How about flight attendants?
HANNITY: How about women in general?
SHARPTON: I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm disagreeing your comparison. Imus said something that offended a race and a whole gender. He wasn't talking about the individual girl.
HANNITY: Let me give you.
SHARPTON: As individuals. And you are the one that said that Imus shouldn't be fired. So I'm sure you.
HANNITY: No, no, I'm not.
SHARPTON: You would be out there protesting the protesters.
HANNITY: There's one difference. Don Imus apologized the day after. Now Letterman joked about — he had a joking apology. And I didn't see tonight's apology. I want to take a look at it. I'm not saying that he should be fired, Reverend Al. That's not the issue here. What I am saying is after Don Imus was fired — well, first of all, he went into your studio and you beat him up pretty bad and he apologized profusely.
SHARPTON: I would beat Letterman pretty bad. And if Letterman had said — I had a civil rights organization, National Action Network. If Letterman had something against a race of people, if Letterman had said something against a gender of people that's a civil rights issue.
HANNITY: A slutty flight attendant? What if I called you a slutty flight attendant or somebody in your family a slutty flight attendant?
SHARPTON: People have probably called me worse than that.
HANNITY: You've called me worse than that.
SHARPTON: On your show. Yes. Because that's an individual. And I think that Mrs. Palin and her daughters as individuals have more than enough reason to be offended and should take whatever actions they think is necessary. But you can't make that a civil rights issue.
HANNITY: Let me give you another example. Carrie Prejean, Miss California, was called by this guy Perez Hilton, you know, the A word, B word, C word.
SHARPTON: And we said very strongly we disagreed with what.
HANNITY: You came out.
SHARPTON: Absolutely.
HANNITY: What is — why haven't you gone out as strongly as you did against Don Imus? That's the question.
SHARPTON: Because there is no — who is Mr. Letterman offending as a group?
HANNITY: I'll tell you.
SHARPTON: And who is he referring to as a group?
HANNITY: Women. Women. You don't think a slutty.
SHARPTON: To say that these are hoes, nappy headed hoes.
SHARPTON: Has clear racial implications and clear implications about their gender. You're talking about a group of women.
HANNITY: But the difference is.
SHARPTON: You're talking about his opinion of a woman.


1 comment:

Stray Yellar Dawg? said...

You are correct.

He really doesn't get it.

And I doubt he ever will.