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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Grassley Demands More Answers About IG Walpin’s Firing

ABC NEWS - June 17, 2009 - Jake Tapper
Grassley Demands More Answers About IG Walpin’s Firing; McCaskill Seems More Sated

This morning, White House attorney Norman Eisen met with the staff of Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, regarding the removal of Gerald Walpin as the Inspector General at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).
But based on a letter Grassley wrote to White House counsel Greg Craig, the Iowan is not yet satisfied.
Grassley wrote that “Mr. Eisen refused to answer several direct questions posed to him about the representations made in his letter” explaining Walpin’s dismissal, which the White House released last night.
Among other charges, Eisen wrote last night that Walpin had appeared at a meeting of the CNCS where he "was confused, disoriented, unable to answer questions and exhibited other behavior that led the Board to question his capacity to serve." The Obama administration charged that Walpin “had engaged in other troubling and inappropriate conduct” and “had become unduly disruptive to agency operations, impairing his effectiveness…”
Grassley requested that Craig provide written answers to the following questions:
Did the CNCS Board communicate its concerns about Mr. Walpin to the White House in writing?
Specifically, which CNCS Board members came forward with concerns about Mr. Walpin’s ability to serve as the Inspector General?
Was the communication about the Board’s concerns on or about May 20, 2009 the first instance of any communications with White House personnel regarding the possibility of removing Mr. Walpin?
Which witnesses were interviewed in the course of Mr. Eisen’s review?
How many witnesses were interviewed?

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