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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is ailing Senator Kennedy now under the bus?

ABC News - Jake Tapper - June 16, 2009
After CBO Analysis, White House Distances Self From Kennedy Bill

Kennedy who?
"This is not the Administration’s bill," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said in a statement following the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of Sen. Ted Kennedy's health care reform legislation, "and it's not even the final Senate Committee bill."
Both statements are true, though it's not clear who, if anyone, had been saying that the legislation drafted by the powerful chairman of the Senate Health Education Labor and Pension Committee constituted President Obama's bill. Kennedy is but one of several legislators taking a crack and drafting legislation that will proceed through the legislative meat grinder and result in a bill that President Obama will sign. In reality, there is no actual "Administration" bill. (continue reading here)

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