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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Obama doesn't kill a fly? "I killed the sucker"

Any similarity with what they do to free speech in this Administration?

Fox News - June 16, 2009
Barack Obama, the Human Flyswatter

President Obama, nettled by a fly during a TV interview at the White House, took matters into his own hands Tuesday.

WASHINGTON -- Talk about flying at your own risk.
President Obama, nettled by a fly during a TV interview at the White House, took matters into his own hands Tuesday.
Said Obama to the persistent fly: "Get out of here."
But it didn't.
So Obama waited for the fly to settle, put his hand up and then smacked the fly dead in one try.
Without missing a beat, the president said to CNBC correspondent John Harwood: "Now, where were we."
Well, maybe one more second to gloat.
Said Obama: "That was pretty impressive, wasn't it? I got the sucker."
The camera crew was still rolling in the East Room. Obama didn't mind. He pointed to the vanquished insect on the ground and said, "You want to film that?"
CNBC did. That fly is history.


Niki Lahtinen said...

I feel sick after seeing President Barack Obama kill the innocent fly. I can't understand why he had to kill the little fly who couldn't even bite or sting the President. President Obama didn't seem to feel any remorse after killing the tiny animal, and he even seemed to be proud of himself.

Before parents have told their child why we should treat all the animals well, the child could kill an innocent fly or mosquito at home or outdoors, but after the parents have forbidden the killing of the insects and told their child the life of an animal is as precious as the life of a human, the child will understand it's not right to kill an animal.

An adult should know it isn't right to kill an animal if the animal hasn't done anything bad to anyone.

Anonymous said...

hey Niki Lahtinen has given a really stupid comment.....whats wrong in killing a fly that disturbs you?I ask Niki to save his pity for human beings and thousands of innocent children in developing countries....If you are a president should'nt you have a right even which a basic citizen has?Also I think Niki will say that Obama should not breathe because he will kill thousands of bacteria in the air while breathing in!Nonsense!ask Niki to shut his altruistic dirty mouth which is killing the world...

Niki Lahtinen said...

Killing or hurting animals is not a human right. Period. The anonymous writer who says here that my comment is stupid doesn't seem to understand that in my post I just express my current opinion on this matter. Everyone has a right for his or her own opinion as long as no one gets hurt because of the opinion.

I'm not saying President Obama is a bad man or anything. He's a good politician. He has done and will do wonderful improvements in America.

All I'm saying is that what he did during the interview was not the right thing to do because the fly couldn't harm anyone in the room. President Obama followed his primitive instincts which would mislead him that time.

I know that there are a plenty of people in this world (probably a majority) who disagree with me on this matter. Oftentimes, people do just like President Obama did; they hit the insect to death without any hesitation.

I'm not one of those people but I know some people think insects are somehow lower-class animals. Even though the insects don't have such a developed brain system as we humans have, it doesn't give us any right to hurt them without a reason.

(P.S. I'm ready to debate over this issue and other issues as well, but only if the co-debater is behaving well and not using any insulting language.)

Samuel said...

Come on Niki, are flies really harmless? The housefly is a kind of "filth fly". You do not think that the steps he took:
1. Firstly, swathing and
2. Secondly striking to kill a nuisance and possible filth carrier

are as much his rights to exercise as is the fly's right to live?

I ask you a simple question, would you kill a mosquito sucking blood off your arms? You might say the Mosquito is doing you an immediately obvious harm and so you have the right to kill it, but again, does the mosquito really have an option (was it sucking your blood for pleasure or for survival?).

As much as we measure OTHERS with a longer rule, let's try to understand that they are first and foremost humans.

Please, it's REALLY annoying when we try to BLOAT matters just because of the people concerned in the incidents.

Niki Lahtinen said...

Yes, the flies are completely harmless for humans because they are not capable of breaking the top of the human skin. Of course, a fly landing on your skin does carry a lot of different kinds of bacteria, but usually the bacteria are not pathogenic for humans because the amount of bacteria in a fly is minuscule when compared with the amount of bacteria in a human. Furthermore, most of the bacteria are not pathogenic for humans and they even form the normal bacterial flora in our intestines, skin and mucous membranes, and take the living area from the possible pathogenic bacteria.

I admit as a little child I would kill a mosquito sucking blood off my arms, but since I understood the preciousness of the life of all the animal species, I haven't killed or hurt any insects or other animals in my life. To answer Samuel's question, nowadays, I wouldn't kill or hurt a mosquito sucking blood off my arms because I know the mosquito is not causing much damage for me (there is no malaria or any other serious illnesses carried by insects in the place where I live) and because the female mosquito needs the blood for the yet unborn offspring.

Samuel said...

I am glad that "there is no malaria or any other serious illnesses carried by insects" where you live. But please tell that to the billions of people in Africa who a mosquito bite could actually be a matter of life and death (, and also tell that to the hundreds of thousands of children who die of diarrhea and cholera related diseases every year ( It's just so good that you are living in a blissful environment and all of these figures are just some statistics to you, however, realize that to the parents and/or siblings of the dead person, it's an entirely different and especially gloomy picture.
Yet in all of these, as much as I would like to come to you live where you live, I can't help but stay. THIS IS MY HOME!

Niki Lahtinen said...

To Samuel: As a pharmacy student I'm completely aware of the severity of the illnesses (malaria, diarrhea and cholera) you mentioned. Without taking a look at the web-links you added (it would be a waste of time to look at them), I know, in development countries, those illnesses lead to the deaths of millions of people every year. I also know that those deaths could be prevented if the people of the malarial areas had enough knowledge, financial support and a better general health condition.

By the way, it's a big mistake to suggest that your co-debater is a cold-hearted westerner who doesn't care about the people living in the less developed countries. The numbers of the dead people aren't just numbers to me; I do feel sorry for the people who have lost their loved ones to malaria or to some other illness.

I could continue writing about animal rights and malaria (or diarrhea or cholera) prevention, control, treatment and research for a long while, but it seems to me, it wouldn't make any difference because you're not interested in or capable of having a decent and respectable debate with me.

(P.S. This is the last comment I will ever post on this website, so don't expect me answer your comments anymore.)

Anonymous said...

I feel sick after seeing people like Niki bloating stupid issues around, it is a waste of time to talk to such people or try reason a remote resemblance of sense into them. I just hope Niki would get out with other stupindos like himself somewhere in virgin Mississippi for a summit, get flown over and bitten by malaria mosquitos, and die to free the world of a remote possibility of such nonsense having children and reproducing.