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Sunday, June 14, 2009


NY Post - June 14, 2009

There he goes again. For the third time in less than five months, President Obama has shown the back of his hand to Great Britain -- America's loyal and long-standing ally.
And this time, the slight is significantly more serious than the boxed set of wrongly formatted DVDs the president famously presented to Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
As a result of its ill-considered decision to close the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay, the White House finds itself forced to pitch some of the world's most far-flung nations on the advantages of taking in suspected terrorists as permanent residents.
Good luck on that.
But, as a consequence, on the shopping block last week were 17 Uighurs -- Chinese Muslims -- who'd been locked up at Gitmo until it was determined they were not enemy combatants.
The State Department managed to convince the president of Palau -- a Pacific island nation known for its singular scuba diving -- to "temporarily resettle" most of the Uighurs.
But first, four of them were quietly shipped off to Bermuda, where they're now reveling in their new homes in the Caribbean paradise.
That's where the diplomatic slight comes in: Bermuda is a protectorate of Britain, which provides for its defense and foreign affairs. Problem is, Obama neglected to ring up Brown and give him a heads-up. ...continues...

1 comment:

JB in VA said...

This is so not surprising.

It's bad enough that this bunch in the WH -- starting with The One and his wife, his sophomoric speechwriter, and the rest of that criminal campaign gang-- are so glaringly uneducated.

Add to this their supremely arrogant mindset that THEY and only they have all the answers, and you end up with folks lacking even the simple common sense to think of researching things like basic geography or lines of historical/political authority and allegiances in the wider world.

Idiots. IDiots. IDIOTS.