It is not often that the women on “The View” are silenced by their own guest, but Michelle Malkin did exactly that when she appeared on the show August 2. Malkin’s new book, “Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Kronies” was bound to be attacked by the left-left leaning panel of “The View,” but Malkin did not give them an opportunity.
Malkin dominated the conversation from the beginning with facts and examples. When asked by Elisabeth Hasselbeck about the corruption her book uncovers, she had several examples. “I scoured from top to bottom,” and started to list some of the more known corruption scandals within the Obama administration, until Joy Behar interrupted and asked, “And there was nothing like that in the Bush administration?”
But Malkin obviously came ready to take charge. “Of course there was. And if you are familiar with my work, Joy, you know that I have been at the forefront of criticizing cronyism, corruption in the Republican Party. I was the largest voice against Harriet Myers and Michael Brown and cronyism at DHS. But guess what? News flash. George Bush is not in office anymore. And it's time for the American public to reckon with the fact that what they were sold was a huge bill of goods.”
Behar was barely able to get a word in, as Malkin continued to make her point. “I filled 400 pages over the last six months to talk about every broken promise. Transparency, accountability, ethics. And I think that there is a turning point in this country, and we’ve seen it over the last several months, and particularly over the last week, Joy, as people are going back to their home districts during this recess, and holding accountable not just Barack Obama but the Democrat majority for failing to deliver.”
Behar wasn’t the only one Malkin shot down. In answer to a question posed by Whoopi Goldberg, Malkin, first called her out for misrepresenting the book and Whoopi admitted she hadn’t written the question. Then Malkin explained what she meant by corruption. “What I'm saying, Whoopi, is that you have to measure this administration, the principal foremost agent of everything fresh and clean, hope and change, isn't that what we were sold this last campaign? And he road in on a horse, a white horse, taller than any other in recent memory…you can talk to any young person who voted for Obama, they thought they were going to get something fresh and clean. We got Tom Daschle, We got Bill Richardson. We got Joe Biden.”
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I saw the interview and Michelle was great. I've never seen Whoopie so docile. It was a hoot! Go, Michelle!
I would like to say that I loved it. Thanks for showing it!!!
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