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Friday, November 13, 2009

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan uses Fake, ‘Sexy’ Photos of Sarah Palin on Air and states "she’s also very hot".

On the Friday edition of Morning Meeting, host Dylan Ratigan featured fake photos of Sarah Palin during a mocking segment on why Americans are fascinated with the former vice presidential candidate. While listing the show’s top ten reasons, Ratigan showed a doctored photo of Palin’s head on the bikini-clad body of a woman holding a weapon.
The host never admitted or addressed the fact that his network was passing off counterfeit pictures to his viewers. Earlier in the segment, Ratigan displayed an image of Palin in a short, black mini-skirt. This photo is also not real. MSNBC should immediately apologize for presenting such false information. It's important to remember, several hosts on the network, including Chris Matthews, have mocked Fox News host Sean Hannity for taking video images from the 9/12 rally and then labeling it as from a more recent tea party event.
During the segment, Ratigan repeatedly and dismissively referred to Palin’s looks. One reason he mentioned for the Republican’s popularity: "She’s also very hot." Talking to a fellow MSNBC host, he wondered, "Hey, listen. That's big, wouldn't you say, Contessa [Brewer]?" (continues here)

For more information on the fake photos, see and


Puma-SF said...

Absolutely, disgusting. They must really be afraid of her.

Mary Ellen said...

During an interview on his morning show the other day he had two women on his panel, one was from Planned Parenthood and the other was for the Stupak amendment. He refused to let the woman supporting the Stupak amendment speak. He kept interrupting her and even told her to be quiet because she was, according to him, "telling lies". He then would only allow the one from Planned Parenthood speak. Then when the other one tried, he told her that she can come back when she's not telling lies. I couldn't believe it! It made me sick and I decided never to watch that asshat again. MSNBC is a joke.