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Friday, March 26, 2010

Shout for freedom in Gloria Estefan's Miami March honoring Cuba's Ladies in White. Watch thousands of people march for Cuba's release of political prisoners.

Thousands of people from different countries marched peacefully yesterday in Miami's famous 8th Street (Calle 8).

In the video below, a mix of scenes of marches in Cuba and of yesterday's march in Miami. You will be able to see the violence directed at these ladies in Cuba for peacefully claiming the freedom of their husbands, sons or brothers imprisoned for simply speaking against the Castro brother's dictatorial regime.

The background song, sung and composed by famous Cuban-American Marisela Verena, claims "Libertad" (Liberty) for the Cuban people.

The Miami March, led by Gloria Estefan, took place simultaneously with a March in Cuba by the brave Ladies in White.

Amnesty International demands change after Cuba dissident's death

Orlando Zapata Tamayo was a 42-year-old bricklayer and the first Cuban prisoner to die on a hunger strike in decades. He had been protesting poor treatment in Cuban prisons and was one of 55 prisoners of conscience who have been adopted by Amnesty International in Cuba. 

"On March 16, 2010, a team of human rights activists from the US, Europe and Latin America launched a campaign calling for the release of all of Cuba's political prisoners, a number estimated to be upward of 200. To date, the petition has been signed by over 35,000 people in more than 100 countries (including, with great difficulty, from within Cuba) and from all over the political spectrum. Among the notable signatories are Nobel, Oscar, Grammy, Pulitzer and Cervantes prize winners and hundreds of prominent journalists, scientists, politicians and human rights activists.

If you live in a place where you have the right to voice your opinion, then sign this petition. Orlando Zapata Tamayo died demanding that right for himself, his fellow prisoners and his fellow Cubans. Your signature can help make sure no one else has to".


Your Signature to Free Cuban Political Prisoners

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