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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blue Dog Dem: Pelosi might "get sick and die"

Yesterday I noted here that some House Dems in tough districts are now aggressively distancing themselves from the Obama/Pelosi agenda, with some Dems taking direct shots at the President and the Speaker.

Blue Dog Dem Bobby Bright of Alabama has raised this to a new level, joking to constitutents that Pelosi might "get sick and die" before he has to support her again for Speaker, a local reporter tells me.

The Montgomery Advertiser reports that Bright, who is under fire for supporting Pelosi for Speaker in the past, joked to some voters that Pelosi might fall ill and pass away. The Advertiser only paraphrased Bright's remarks.

So I called the reporter, Cosby Woodruff, and he gave me Bright's actual quote.

"He had been asked a question from the audience about his support for Pelosi," Woodruff told me. "He said, `Let's wait until that comes up. He listed a long list of reasons why Pelosi might not run for Speaker of the House."

"The last one was, `heck, she might even get sick and die,'" Woodruff told me.

Jeez. Bright must have decided that Pelosi is pretty toxic in his district. (Source WaPo)


Ala. Democrat says he was joking about Pelosi’s demise

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