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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Carla Bruni: Michelle Obama said life as First Lady is 'hell'

In a new authorized biography, French First Lady Carla Bruni claims U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama told her that life in the White House is “hell.”

“Don’t ask! It’s hell. I can’t stand it!” Bruni says Michelle Obama told her after being asked about life as the wife of the president during a Sarkozy family visit to the White House in March.

The account, first reported by London’s Daily Mail, appears in a new book “Carla And The Ambitious,” written by French journalists Michael Darmon and Yves Derai in cooperation with Ms. Bruni.

The White House had no comment.  (ABC News' Jake Tapper reports)


Michelle Obama Denies Telling Carla Bruni White House Life is "Hell"

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