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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Michelle Obama's healthy eating plan runs up against reality; Americans don't wanna: Gallup

Distasteful news for First Lady Michelle Obama's restaurant menu and healthier eating reform drive.

Last week Obama, whose chosen cause is fighting childhood obesity, told the nation's restaurants they need to change their recipes and offerings to make them healthier -- less sugar, cream, salt -- and more vegetables and fruits -- even if that means deleting a most popular dish or two and hurting sales. She also praised inner-city Detroit liquor stores that were offering vegetables along with their bottled, fermented fare.

But now comes a new Gallup Poll of more than 176,000 Americans showing that, in fact, it's....

...not access to vegetables at all that's keeping citizens from downing the recommended 48 servings of fruits or vegetables, or whatever the recommended daily dosage is this month

It's that Americans, thinking that they live in a free country, do not choose to eat so much of that stuff, no matter who says they should. Or, perhaps, simply because someone says they should.

Gallup finds that 92% of Americans report easy access to affordable fresh produce. They can find the green and yellow things virtually anytime they want.

They just don't want to eat that stuff.  (Continues here at LA Times)

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