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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A handy guide in the Obama team's sex scandals & other facts...

All of these post-election Obama administration scandals really seem to be sliding out of control now that the election is complete.

We'll try to help you out here with a sexual scorecard. It's so confusing who was embedding whom when. And now new allegations this morning involving yet another high-ranking, horny general being promoted by the Democrat administration.

No wonder Defense Secy. Leon Panetta is out of the country and the president will be too this weekend. It all makes tomorrow's scheduled White House news conference seem more like an episode of Generals' Hospital. Obama had so wanted to make his rare news session about leveraging public opinion against House Republicans, in the interests of working together, of course.

If only Republicans had nominated a tee-totaling, congenital family man, we could have perhaps avoided four more years of this stuff and made the right choice in last week's presidential election. But it's probably just coincidence that all this crap is coming out after the voting.

The good news in this slimey international mess is that, now that we've got unfaithful wives and husbands, catfights over straying husbands and explicit emails from a war zone, the doilies in the D.C. media have to cover the far more serious Benghazi scandal involving the rejection of repeated SOS calls and unexplained abandonment of four Americans to die there in September. Hearings open Thursday on Capitol Hill.

First, the cast:

David Petraeus, the 60-year-old heretofore hero general of the Iraq and Afghan wars, who was named last year to direct the Central Intelligence Agency.
Holly Petraeus, his wife of four decades whose longtime mission was helping military families separated by deployments.


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