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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton has major lead over Trump in poll taken days after final debate

Hillary Clinton carved out a "yuge" 12-point lead over Donald Trump just 16 days before the election, a new poll out Sunday showed.

Clinton, just days removed from another strong debate performance, leads her Republican opponent 50%-38% in a four-way race, according to the latest ABC News tracking poll.

Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson got 5% support in the poll, while Green Party Jill Stein nominee got 2%.

Clinton's level of support, however, is the highest of any survey taken by ABC News over the course of the general election, while Trump's is his lowest.

The poll, taken Oct. 20-22 of 1,391 likely voters, comes just days after the third and final debate between Trump and Clinton, a face-off that pundits widely dubbed a Clinton victory.

Various state-wide polls taken in the days since the debate also show that the race has tightened even in the reliably GOP stronghold of Texas, following Clinton's large ad buy in the state last week. (Continues)

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