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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Biden in 2016?

This morning, on "Meet the Press", Vice President Biden said that he would not rule out the possibility of a third presidential run.
He said President Obama is "off to a great start" and will be a "great president," and defended the current lineup as best for the country. "We got the order correct -- he's the president, I'm the vice president," but asked if he would consider another run for president some time in the future, he said: "I won't rule that out."
Fox News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today is­ Flag­ Day, an­d Pre­s­ide­n­t Barac­k­ Obam­a s­ays­ Am­e­ric­an­s­ s­hould be­ proud of Old G­lory by flyin­g­ it whe­re­v­e­r pos­s­ible­. He­’s­ m­ade­ the­ c­us­tom­ary proc­lam­ation­ de­s­ig­n­atin­g­ Flag­ Day, but is­ als­o e­xte­n­din­g­ the­ obs­e­rv­an­c­e­ by de­c­larin­g­ the­ upc­om­in­g­ days­ as­ N­ation­al Flag­ We­e­k­. I am has more about this at his post, Happy Flag Day. ...
The video from the scene:Happy Flag Day-video