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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Maureen Dowd: Obama is more like a cold shower.

At his Cabinet meeting Monday afternoon, President Obama took a moment to give thanks to his team.
Sipping a glass of water, the president offered special gratitude to the woman on his right.
“I advised this hard-working Cabinet to get a little bit of rest this week,” he said, looking at Hillary Clinton, “particularly the people who have been traveling around the globe day-in and day-out and don’t know what time zone they’re in.”
The secretary of state, with a china cup and saucer in front of her, smiled.

In the back of the room, back where they were parched, back where no water or coffee was served for the two-hour meeting, sat Greg Craig, the White House counsel who was a ghostly presence, given his death by a thousand leaks.
Only a year after he had helped Barack Obama get elected by eviscerating his close friend, Clinton White House colleague and Yale Law School classmate, Hillary Clinton, Craig was himself eviscerated by the Obama inner circle. (continues here at NY Times)

1 comment:

Sybil said...

What goes around, comes around. Backstabbers get their dues.